Sunday, August 31, 2014

Parents, this is for the next generation...

To my fellow parents and child care givers:
I have some beef with some of you...
As being a parent or child care giver, you are in part, if not entirely responsible for who your child turns out to be when they grow up.
When a child has no discipline from their parents, the child sees no consequences for any misdeeds. If you don't pop their hand when they take something from another child, they are thinking "Stealing must be okay." And by being sweet, and saying "no, no... don't do that..." they will always do it again to test us. Many of us have that "testing" child. The child we feel a leash is necessary to keep track of them while getting groceries. A child with a parent who does not discipline will be a child with no respect for their parents, or other people. They will not respect the law, and will be arrested for whatever reason of law breaking. It starts as toys, or cookies at age two, but it grows to electronics and robing liquor stores at 25. Sometimes that kid will need a pop on the butt. Gets their attention (most of the time) and reminds them that you are the parent, and they must respect your authority. By doing so, they will respect their elders, other people, and the law. Less likely to land in jail for a serious offence.
Silly example, yet very accurate, Simpsons. In an episode where a hurricane blows down Flanders's house, and didn't touch the simpsons, we learned that Ned was quite a terrible child. Pulling kids hair, hitting screaming, slamming kids faces into tables and kicking them, just a nightmare. His parents were hippie-types that didn't believe in discipline. Ned saw no consequences for what he did, so he did whatever he wanted. After the psychiatrist spanked him for a long period of time, the good little Ned flanders ding dang doodly, was bor-diddly-orn. We know flanders and how good he and his kids are. Good 'ol religion and corporal punishment put him in his place.

You probably think something like, "That's just a stupid cartoon, it cannot be used as fact."

And I will say,

A- Cartoons are an art form in it's self, and should be at least respected as the art form they are. Not to mention all the talent that goes into it of so many varieties, of drawing, voice acting, story writing. So much goes into the 20 minutes of a single cartoon.
PERSPECTIVE SPOT: Average cartoon will be about 20, 25 minutes due to commercial break. that would be 600 to 1500 seconds. Here's where shit gets real... there are 24-30 frames per second. So, your looking at 14,400 frames in a 20 minute, 24fps cartoon. That's a MINIMUM. Can you draw the same thing 14,400 times and flip them together to make a 20 minute cartoon? No? Then keep your disrespect full comments to yourself. Want a BIGGER challenge? Think celebrity deathwatch. ALL CLAY. STOP MOTION. 25 minutes of 30fps. Move these clay dudes in a sequence of them killing each other 45,000 times WITHOUT mistakes.
RESPECT. You don't have to like it to respect it. All of us hated our parents growing up. But we still respected them. Respect the art of it before you knock it.

B- The stories HAVE to come from somewhere. The story about Ned could have very well been an exaggerated version of a true story that happened to one of the writers or someone who worked on the show. One thing i learned in my screenwriting class was that their will always be a part of you and your life in everything you write. Weather you try or not, it will happen. You will always end up writing yourself into your script. The long time of spanking Ned most likely was an exaggeration, but the initial spanking itself was enough to bring out the good little boy within. He was respectful to everyone, even homer, who stole his stuff and treated him like compost. PERSPECTIVE:
Ever watch something on TV, or on a movie and find yourself relating to a similar situation? Understanding what they were thinking without them saying a word? Find yourself wondering what will happen next to this character you just met, but feel like you've known them for their whole lives? The writers probably lived it in some way, and used their life experiences, and the "what if"s to relate to you. As a writer, I have to care about my character to write them and get you to love them, and care about what happens to them. You see a man playing with his kid in a park, and they are both having the time of their lives. Then he wakes up, and you find out his son was killed in a car accident. Why Do you care? Because you relate. You can only imagine the loss, unless we lived it ourselves, but either way, we all know what its like to loose someone we love so much. Now, you care about "A Man". You sympathize with him and his loss. If you tell me you never felt for a character in entertainment, you are lying. Respect the lives lived within the heart of the writers. Respect the ache of reliving it as you write it for a work of entertainment, to let you know you are not alone with that pain.

C- Personal example. I learned from cartoons from the 90's. I learned what some words meant, what some things were, a good idea of what to do in a situation, there were morals to the story, even if they were a monologue at the end of the show. Captain planet. Don't pollute the earth, take care of the planet. Ninja Turtles, fight for what it right, Ren & Stimpy, friends will always be there to have your back. Same thing with Rocko's Modern life. Friends stick together. Beavis and Butthead, Things can work out for the worst of us, including the most unfortunate, and how NOT to get girls to like you. That's just a few things I learned from 90's cartoons... But WTF is spongebob's message?

Cartoons affect kids too. They see what is acceptable in that cartoon world, but see something that isn't acceptable, and the character gets into trouble for it. Kids learn that stuff. They learn from watching us. If i playfully pop my wife on the butt, and my boys see it, they see its okay. Which happens... We do correct them, and say it isn't okay for them to do it unless your married. Holding doors open, and the hugs, the yes sir, no sir, yes maim, no maim... I teach my boys respect for everyone, especially women, like their momma. (she carried you for the first ten months of your life, was in labor, painful labor with you for several hours, and still sacrifices so much for you... You better respect the woman who you call Momma.)

Sum it up, Discipline your kids, if you don't correct them now, the state will correct them in the future.

By being overly paranoid about them, omg- why do you need to know what a kids poop looks like, and when it happens, and wont let your kids eat any snacks with the other kids in daycare... Now your kid feels like an oddball. And if it continues, he may hate you for the rest of his life for keeping away from all the yummy snacks the other kids eat at school. I know, you will pack his lunch with seaweed or rice cakes, or whatever health-nut stuff you got going on, and in middle school, especially, will be made fun of. Want him to be called a mermaid? Flounder? Any other ocean movie reference? No. Send the kid some teddy grams, cheese-its. oreos man. Let a kid, be a kid when it comes to food. Not only crap, but how bout a cookie or two when he eats all his dinner? That's more than fair. (this kid has no allergies or sicknesses, just a paranoid parent) No TV for the kid either? OMG. Now hes gonna be even more of an oddball for not knowing what happened on Saturday's cartoons. Ever miss a Show, and felt out of the loop when friends talk about it? That ll be this kid 24/7. The child may have a hard time using imagination, which will also prevent him from being creative enough to solve problems in many fields.

I suppose I could say these things from a personal experience. I watched TV, and I was spanked, I am creative and respectful, i have never been in trouble with the law, and I love my parents.

Every decision you make to raising their kids will affect them, even at before 3 or 5.
Most people will have a memory starting at age 5, but some will start at 3.
Not many people remember how they were potty trained, or what their first words were, or  how they started walking. But we keep doing it when we are older... So what we learn before then is a permanent memory in a sense, what ever was learned will be a part of them for the rest of their lives. After that, we reach a certain age, in adulthood, that will be the person we are for the rest of our lives.
Be care full who you let your kids grow up to be, and teach them the good person they should be.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

A listening ear.

Written on 8/24/14

Today, when one of my co workers came in, I looked at him and what I saw startled me. He sat at the break table waiting for the time to clock in, and when i saw his eyes, I could sense something was wrong. I asked him about it, and he told me it was personal.
I said "Ok. I can respect that." I was going to leave it be, because when someone wants to talk about it, they will. I said that if he wants to talk about it, it's ok. He opened up about what was on his mind. I won't tell what his issues are, because that was said between us. But the way it was said, I could sense he was wanting to throw in the towel. The combination of the pain in his eyes and voice, the concern- so much going on for him, rough past, rough present- just so much for him.
I gave him my card and told him if he needed to talk... Well. You know.

I just couldnt keep seing him with that look in his eyes. He seemed to be very appreciative for my concern, and my offer to listen.

I was always told I have a heart of gold. It's a curse as it is a blessing.

Mo' Customer service Issues?!

Written on 8/22/2014

I do not understand what the fuck is so hard about getting internet. I called and ordered the service on the 20th, the told me a tech would be out on the 21st between 8a and 12p. No one showed, no one called. I called them and asked what was up, and they gave me a round about answer of “I don’t know” I talked to 3 different people that day, and repeat the same thing every time, like they were to say “this guy is pissed off. You take him.” Playing musical phones or some shit. I finaly got to talk to someone whos first language sounded of Arabian dialect, and English may have been new to. He told me he would put a not on my account to hook me up ASAP. And ask me “does that help?” Uh, no. not really. The only way it helps is if I get a tech out here to install the service I ALREADY PAID FOR. I was sent to the tech guys’ line, and a woman picked up saying “Angie” as if she were paging an Angie to answer the phone she picked up. She hung up on me. I called back, and she did it again… I said hello, and she was acting like “I just answer the phone here dude” kind of attitude. I asked to get some service hooked up and she told me “the guy who makes the schedule isn’t here right now… Okay. So what? Take my info and give it to him when he comes in??? someone has never been a secretary before… I haven’t, and I know the job better than she does. I gave her my name, and number and told her to make sure he calls me back to set up my services. I waited the rest of the day for him to call. Nothing.
On the 22, today, I called tech again, asking about my service installation, they told me their wasn’t an installation scheduled., He couldn’t make any changes to the schedule because of some stupid changes the company made. (my words, not his) so he put me on hold, and was sent to a completely different company, who had nothing to do with the internet company I was trying to get service from. The lady from there forwarded me back to the tech support number, --- you know, it’s a big cluster fuck of numbers I was forwarded to, and called, so heres the run down of this last bit.: I was able to schedule ANOTHER appointment for, guess what? TOMORROW, between 8 and 12 again. They also told me the Tech will call me between now and the installation to confirm the appointment. 7pm, and no call today. That was over 7 hours ago… Wth… I have that gut feeling no one will call or show again.
I called the tech line again to see if the tech told them anything. “If you are not installed yet, press 2” (presses 2) “the office is closed. To check on the status of your (internet) intallation, log on to (internet service) dot com. Have a great day!”
How am I supposed to check on the status of my internet installation online? I need your service installed to check the status of my installation? You’re a fucking idiot. Somone didn’t think that through.

Oh, and even more recent event- how can walmart sell a stroller with its two fron wheels missing?! Seriously?! Is a little customer service and common decency so much to ask?
People today are so inconsiderate and indecent. What the hell happened to this world? Why do the stupid, indecent, and inconsiderate people  have to have all the money,  and control, but the good, hard working, decent people with common sense, are broke as shit and have no control over anything? Wouldn’t want smart people running things would we? That would be to damn easy. Equal oppertunities MY ASS. If you have money, you have opertunities. If your broke, your chances of getting them are much smaller. Some people were just born into money, and never have to know what work IS. You have to be aggressive to get anything done, which means I have to be an asshole to get what I already worked for. I never get any breaks. I worked hard from age 16, and still busting my ass at 28 at the same suck job I started at. I cannot go with out a job, I am not financially stable enough to just “take time off” like those dipshits in charge who take a vacation every month, and have 2 or more homes. I have gotten nowhere, and it looks as if my future holds the same place: Nowhere. Because of these morons in charge, making everything so difficult to do the simplist of things, My only meaning in life to them is fuel the economy, which wouldn’t exist without their filthy money. They want us to work till we die, and they make money weather they actually work or not. We work, they get paid. Where is the fairness in that? Raise minimum wage, then raise prices of everything else? Now were back to square one…. Nothing is fair. Nothing is equal oppertunities. You have to be corrupt, in one form or another to even get a glimpse of the life of the 1%. Think about this when they say they aren’t bad guys… What have they done to help those people who pay them? When was the last time they voulenteered at a shelter, or donated to a food drive or goodwill? Last time they dropped a $50 in a homeless man’s change cup? When did they actually DO something honest, and good? Maybe we cant say they are all bad people, but I can say they aren’t all good.
Want to help the economy? Give the poor, hardworking class a good portion of your salary. You didn’t earn it. We worked for it, and you take it from us.

In a sense, I look at it like this. If I can force someone to sign a document stating that I can withdraw 17% of their salary every month, it is legal. But taking it out right by force, is not legal. Why? The document. Paper makes it legal for someone else to take what isn’t theirs. They do it to a few hundred million people, of every check, of every dollar WORKED for in the country. And they call themselves equals?

I want to do that, with a document that states that I can withdraw a percentage of money from anyone’s paycheck I choose. I’d do 20% from the 1% population, and see how THEY like it. See how it feels for someone to take money out of your check before you even get it. I’ll be just like them, and never have to actually work again.


Update on recent events of 8/19/2014.

I have a script for a movie trailer I want to shoot, called “One by One”, and for the sake of not spoinling the surprise, I will not give any further information on what it is about. I do have a script, and casting shouldn’t be a problem, effects may be a challenge, but it it isn’t discoraging. I just need an extra set of hands or two, to do camera work, and someone to help with some practical lighting for the scene, THAT will be a trick. I have an Idea of what to do with what I have, the problem is doing it, and getting a little score for it made. It will be a cool thing when finished up.

I also have been  helping a young man with a music video he wants to do for one of the songs he did. I haven’t heard the right song yet, but his idea seems solid, and we have a script to work with. With this project, the distance is a challenge faced before, but the scheduling- not so much. I have to find a way to meet with this guy without interfering with his, my wife’s or my work schedule, and find a transport, and babysitter for who knows how long. We need to discuss several things, first being the script, and finalizing it with him. Then we have to do our story boards, and shot lists. We need to cast, one male, two female, and locations, and approval if needed, props, effects, (practical, and non-practical) Budget has to go in there somewhere, and Scheduling that fits with everyone’s schedule, including, him, me, talent, and other crew, and film it. After his approval of the cut, and effects, we can re-record the song to be more impactful, if he chooses to. And then we can call it a finished product. A lot to do, and distance being a challenge for it. I don’t know if payment will be involved, but I can honestly say I hope so. I love doing this stuff, but it is supposed to be a career. Not an expensive, gas gulping, time squeezing hobby. That will probably be one of the first things Ill tell him after we discuss what needs to be done. If he likes the script as it is, and is unable to pay for the rest of the work, Ill leave the script to him, and let him figure it out. I hate to do that to anyone, but the issue remains- there is a lot of trouble I need to be compensated for. Taking off work, baby sitter, gas money, time from the family to do the production, AND editing and vfx. Its time and money that could be placed some where else, and instead, im using it on your production. Compensation isn’t much to ask.

And another job that is most likely what will be happening more and more now that im freelancing videographer/editor. A wedding. Film a wedding, edit it together nice-like, and burn a copy to a disk. Simple, right? Not really. This, production scares me to say the least. From how I understand, there will be 3 of us with cameras, so that eases my mind a tad. But im still on editing, which means my cuts have to be spot on, seamless. I have all the time I need for that, so not too worried. I just want to make sure I get the footage I need to make sure this will be a great video for the newlyweds. I remember hearing that a basic package for filming a wedding was 750. I told the girl that, and she was “Woah,  dude, I like you  and all but, no way.” She also said her photographer was over a thousand bucks. I can understand a budget wedding just as much as the next couple, but as I stated before, I need some compensation. I would most likely have to take off work to do this one- its on a Saturday afternoon, and I am usually getting off work when the thing will be starting. So I gotta ensure I will be off that time, and my wife witll be with me on a static shot somewhere, so I need a sitter. The gas to get there, it isn’t much, because it is close,  but still a factor. And the time it will take to import, edit, and export the footage… It’s a lot of time away from the family, and that’s what will be a costly part. From the sounds of it, the other guy is doing it for free, and she wanted me to bring the Mrs, and we stay and enjoy the reception. To me, that’s kind of asking us to do it for free, like a wedding present to them or something. I can see that happening for a family member, or even a close friend, but I can say we are more of aquantinces than anything. I’m not asking for a thousand dollars like the photographer, just something to consider the time I’ll be spending to edit away from my family. Think of it like this: bring me closer to my wife at the reception, and pull us apart again to put your wedding footage together. Doesn’t sound like a winning situation if we end up at square one. However, I can help you out by NOT asking a professional price of $750 for the services, and I will do it for no less than $150. I still think We would be getting ripped off, I’d like to start bidding at $300. That’s already $150 less than half of what you would be paying at the “professionals” shop. It just isn’t a charity type of thing.

I did a lot of free work in AZ, but it was usually with the same guys all the time, and at the risk of sounding a little fruity, I love those guys. They are like a bunch of cousins that hung out all the time who loved to get the cameras and make some magic. I went to school with these guys, they have an idea of whats going on on set, and know what what is. I only had to explain screenwriting format, and effects. That’s all. With any one I work with over here, I have to explain damn near everything.

With one of the recent shorts, the dinosaur apocalypse one, a couple of guys came up to us asking if we were making a movie. Like, no, we’re hunting for treasure. I mentioned the effects of a T rex going to happen, and then the two dudes kept asking questions about it, like I wasn’t in the middle of a production or something. We had talent that was awake sence 5am, standing in the sun at almost 2pm, sweating his balls of in layers and a 5 year old director’s assistant carrying the storyboard. And they want to pause production to talk to me about them doing a movie, one of which they did not have any ideas of  one but an action thing. Oh. Acting. Another actor. I need some backstage help too, ya know. Either way- they decided to watch. The Mrs sent out some water with my DA, and even the spectators got a drink, because they were observing so hard. Well, they kept watching when I said “Action” as if I had a dinosaur in a cage in the back of the trailer park or something.. They lost interest when that shot was over, and I was doing some insert shots. Sorry to dissapoint, but it does get repeatative, and sometimes even a little boring on set,  but when it all comes together, magic has happened.
With that shoot, I had to explain a lot to my talent, because he asked, and sometimes I just thought it was a cool little piece of info to know. Something for future productions, in case he wants to work with me again. And my boy knew a bunch already. He has been around this stuff for most of his life now. Im proud of my little DA. These other dudes that rolled up into it were just curious. And wanted to see how far they can put their noses in our bidness. The only term understood that day was “green screen”. I explained to the talent the term, “poor man’s green screen” and the magic of a “back plate”. Fun day that was.

I feel as though im losing my edge as a film maker already. I don’t want to do it all myself, but I may have to to keep my skills sharp.

Another thing I have bee working on is a sort of autobiography. I am writing all kinds of stories of things Ive been through, and basiclay the people and events that helped mold me to the person I am today. I’m calling it so far, “My Name Is Not Who I Am.” I am not using my name in the book until the end. Aside from that, it is all 100% truth to me. Total honesty in this thing. I am holding back nothing in this writing, and I can say it feels good, and it feels bad. Depending on the story being told. I try to explain the thoughts in my mind, the emotions in my heart, and the lessons learned. If you read it and do not like what has involved you in it, I will tell you “tough shit. That’s what happened, how I felt, and it had an impact on me in that way. Can’t change who I am.” No one has read it yet, and I have gotten up to 44 different things, some bulletpointed, that I intend to write about. As of now it is close to 20 pages. Some short, some long, so who knows how long it will be. I do not know who will be the first to read it other than me, but they will have to be honest with me, and be open minded about what is in it about them, if anything.

Last Straw

Written on 8-8-14

Last night was the last straw.

Sorry for the short blurb last blog, I had the idea early in my shift and by the time I got to writing it, I needed to be quick, and had distractions galore.

This time, I was extremely angry last night about what a certain person was saying, and I remembered what someone else said about those type of people. They are shit-stirrers. They are bored, so they decide to stir up some shit and cause a little hell. To make their lives a little interesting for a bit.
This person can take a hike.
This person reads by blog, and by doing so feels they have the “inside scoop” of Micah’s feelings.
I rattle on about stuff all the time. That’s how im feeling then, not all the time. Sometimes, yeah maybe it is more than an hour I feel strong about it. I change my mind, just like anyone else does. I’m thankful to have a mind TO change. And im also glad I am more open minded than a lot of the up-tight people running the place. Thinking within the tiny little box of “me” and excluding all the ones who says “what box?” I’m the “what box?” type. Exclude me if you want to, id rather live in the world where dreams come true, and the impossible is just difficult. The freest minds are our children’s’. Nothing is impossible to them until they see the science behind it, then the fun and mystery is gone. Like knowing how a magician does a trick. When a kid sees it 20 times its awesome every time, but when they see how its done, its not the same. The fun was gone, the innocence of it isn’t there anymore. Kids have the most open minds about everything, even the things adults find to be silly. A child thought about flying like a bird a long time ago, and that Idea never left him even as he grew up and made a flight device with his brother. People called them crazy, but when it worked, people called them geniuses. Theory or relativity? Space-time continuum? All rants of a loon whom everyone else claimed to be insane, but now are called geniuses. Thinking outside the box got us so far with technology, entertainment, communication… We shouldn’t always think inside reality. Think big, believe big, and aim big. When you fail, you learn what doesn’t work, and know what NOT to do next time you try. This sounds familiar. To me.

Getting idle threats from people is sickening, especially considering the role they are supposed to play in my familily’s life. Take, take take take, then point the finger at the one last person who will help, and call them selfish?
You may be miserable, several failed relationships, own medical issues (which only you are responsible for)- I get it. Your miserable, and you don’t want to be miserable alone, so you call us. You said you were sorry, but I don’t think you honestly meant it. 
You know what else? I’m not going to be discrete about it anymore. I know you read my blog, and im not going to sugar coat it with BS. Ill drop hints so you will know who you are, and if you cant figure it out, well, rest assured there are SEVERAL people who will know it is you.
When I first met Stacie, she was miserable. She was in school, 2 jobs, and (seeing from personal experience) your care taker, and without a better term, slave. She did so much, and gave her little appreciation. The more stories she told me about her child hood, the less I respected you, but still gave the benefit of the doubt it may be blown out of proportion. I remember, it was easy to get you to like me… I was drinking that night… Did you know that? Well I pulled her away from you, and you were so angry I took your slave away. Now, you had no one to feed your pets, clean up after you, run your errands, cook… (she’s a great cook BTW, your loss on that one) You gave us a home, and sold it WHILE we were living in it. Gave us what? A week to get out? While we first talked about going to AZ, her first words were “Yes. Let’s go.” She also said the further away she was from you, the happier she would be. She was right about that. The only time she cried was when it was “that time” or she talked to you on the phone. We got pinned with yet, ANOTHER bill because “you couldn’t afford it for 3 months” and didn’t bother to tell us until they threatened to cut off our service… and guess who had to pay the overdue charges, and continue paying until the day we moved? Me.  I did it. I had to, because if I didn’t, Stacie’s credit score would have been hurt. Did you care? Not enough to help, hell, it wasn’t your credit, nor your bill, why should you care?
All of her life, it was “your fat, lose weight, go on a diet, your lazy, you must have ADHD, you have to have diabetes” Now look. The tables have turned. You now are what you told her she was. Your med packed on weight, you got lazy and have diabetes. Maybe if you weren’t so cruel to her, maybe things would be different. Karma is a bitch aint it? You see she’s happily married, and you aren’t. As far as I know, 3 failed marriages , and your family will vouch that you are NOT the easiest person to get along with. (that’s sugar coating it, because after what’s been said, I HAD to sweeten THAT up) Oh what the hell. 3 kids, only one returns your calls…. Why you ask? Guilt trips and manipulation is your game, so they don’t bother. They know your miserable and lonely, and they know you are going to try to make them miserable with you.
That’s grilln’ beans, yo. I never want to answer the phone for someone who’s just going to talk down to me, and guilt trip me, or manipulate me into doing something for them because they just don’t want to do it themselves… So I don’t. If its going to take time away from me with my family, I expect to be paid. WITH MONEY. Not a piece of crap lying around the house that’s been broken for a month, an out of date whatcha-callit because you got a new one. From you, Money. Gas there gas back, gas running around, doing the errands, re-imbursement, every cent. And your checks, and IOU’s, aren’t worth didly squat to me.
Back to the marriages…
Who do you think you are to give us marriage advice? 3 failed ones isn’t a good track record to making a happy marriage. Neither is 2. One failed, fine, mistakes are made, two failed and one successful, right on, you learned from your mistakes.
Our marriage is no one’s business but our own. We get upset, and stressed, and seeking advice within that time is more than acceptable. I prefer our relationship to be honest. Seems to me the Mrs. Agrees with that. We have gotten to almost 7 years so far, based on honesty, understanding, and compromise. (along with other attributes) It works for us, so we keep it that way. Every marriage is different, just like the people who are in it. Once you find how it works, there is no need to try other methods of someone who has more failed relationships than socks.

Another tip on those who like to give advice, two things to be aware of:
1. Make sure they really are asking for your advice,  they may just want you to listen.
2. It’s better to have knowledge on the subject.

Giving you and every other reader a little something to think about how they treat people. “is this how I would like to be treated?”

That question sadly isn’t asked enough these days. Shame.

Some things have changed. For the better.

Written 8/2/14

Something came up earlier, not speificly this situation, but it got me thinking about it anyway.
Times are so different now. Way back when women were specificly house wives and secretaries and nurses, or other jobs like that, and men worked everywhere else. Im glad it isn’t like that anymore. I like the idea of a woman being treated equally as a man in the workforce. Some thing that bothers me is a little bit of a sexist remark made. This young woman gave another co worker a hard time about not knowing about cars. So she knows about cars, he doesn’t. I don’t have much interest in cars either, that’s why I didn’t research or care to learn about it, because I don’t give a damn. Ill leave the auto work to the auto interested professionals.

Just because I’m a guy doesn’t mean all I care about is cars, sports and sex. I Like to cook, guys. Im a creative person. I played dolls with my sister when we were younger. Im down with rubbing my wife’s feet now and again. To this day I play with toys with my boys, and make silly voices when they get an owie.

The fact I stay home with the boys during the day and do some dishes, a little cleaning and vacuuming doesn’t make me any less of a man. I figure it makes me a better man to be taking care of my woman by doing a bit of house work so she can come home and relax.

I have no issues with women working on a car, rooting for sports, telling crude jokes or enjoying a beer like most guys do.

Its interesting to think about the changes my generation has seen. The birth and evolution of the internet, music from cassettes, CDs, Mp3s…

Its just amazing to think about all the things Ive seen growing up.