Saturday, December 28, 2013

Customer Service Worth it?

Customer service... Is it so much to ask for somone to actually help you fix an issue? Refusing to help a customer with a backhanded statement? WTH?
Kixeye. I hate them. It is a "Game development" company...? Nooo, Glitcheye is more suitible. All they want is the money. Im down for making some money, but cranking out new crap all the time to upgrade, and crap to use, break and wait to fix, resourses, xp, etc... and like all FB games, it encourages to spend $$$ on a game. No thanks. Im not giving money to a sorry excuse for a company. I can provide better customer service with my ass. Anyone can type "sorry your having problems with our game. It must be your computer, and when you pay us, we will make it suck a little less". (not word for word, but thats what i get from them.)
Well thats part of the convo, and the responses... I told them i sent videos and photos of glitches, and on involving my loosing platoons after retreating, due to mines.. which my units MAGICALY rolled over... Nada.
I see online ALL THE TIME people saying they just got 100 coins, or 10,000 xp for an event for complaining. Well, i brough this up to them and they deny it all.
I am being discriminated against. I am tired of getting screwed over, just because im the non-controversal type. I dont like to stirr up trouble, i dont like to make a fuss. Im a very nice, kind, and polite person... if you let me. When you piss me off, its done. I might get over it, but i do not respect you. I wont show that respect to you again. And I will be sure you know it. This company, Kixeye... I hope they fail. I hope they will get shut down and have the pants sued off of them. You have made an enemy today Kixeye.

Aside from this, still relating to business...

As a fast food employee, i do not make much.
Let me just cut do it... I make almost enough to survive. ill say 1000 to have a nice round #. Rent alone is 750+. Gas, 100, diapers, wipes, car isurance, internet, bla bla bla, is almost exactly that amount. if not a few dollars for, toilet paper and detergents and all that. (welcome to adulthood- thanks. Again.) i can make 150 orders in a shift, 300 orders, or even 1000 a shift, and i still only get ... 1000 a mo. I pray for a slow day every day, because i feel under appreciated. Im expected to get all orders out under 2 min. prep, cook, bag out- 2 min. If they were one at a time and small orders? Sure no problem. But when i have to do tedius things like adding an un-needed sleeve to a burger, during a 5-6 order pile-up of multiple combo deals PER order with me the only one itn the kitchen... dont chew my ass out about "curb time". F*** your curb time. The customer dosnt give a crap as long as they arent waiting for 10-20 minutes for a Mozzarella stick.
I dont see any thing extra for making your times look good. If i made compensation, I'd pray to be busy. But no. I dont care. I havent for a long time.
I'm glad I hear a "Thank You" every once in a while, but i cant spend "Thank You"s. I cant get gas with it, or diapers. I have actualy taken toilet paper from my job. I was broke. I was almost out, with a family to provide for. I barely had the gas to GET TO work and back... I'd get a free meal, so id eat that crap, and save the food at home for the family.

Heres something else...
Fast food is one of the causes of heart attacks, diabeties- you heard that s**t a million and a half times. Short story, too much can kill you over time if you are not carefull. Why should I be encouraged to clog hundreds of arteries a day? Why should i serve heart attacks on a bun to those customers?
Its fast, cheap, and delicious. (im not denying that at all, i love fast food) But we are encouraged by media to look all slim, buff, and fit- that it is sexy. Well, yes. Yes it is. But skin and bones are not. BLECH!!
To look like that, we have to eat better, and engage in physical activities. Most comonly reccomended is a gym membershp. When you look at the organic foods, and healthier stuff compared to the "unhealthy" stuff, the bad stuff is cheaper. So, this is in my head: "Hmm, organic carrot sticks for $6, or HoHo's for $2." my pocket tells me to get the HoHo's. If you want somone to do something, it only makes sense to make it obtainable, right? Well, maybe we should do that. Commercials for stuff do just that. Make a service available, right where you are listening. TV, radio... You heard or saw that "free credit report" commercial, so now it is available, you know you can afford free. If they didnt say anything aboout the product, it isnt going to go anywhere.

If i saw more $ from when i bust my ass, and get a few spendable thank you's, i may be okay with working there still.
I see hazards there that seem to be neglected... I cannot do my job without the propper equipment. 5 monitors, one broke, two scrambled, one going out, and one... working good. Drain covers rusted through, machines being held up with spare POP parts over the drain. (my own doing- no thanks for it) And drain covers not covering drain holes in all areas, i almost fell in one a while back while holding scolding hot water for gravy. I complained many times about it, and i heard that somone mentioned not wanting to spent 1000 on the floor.
So you would rather spend several thousand for new equipment, lawsuits and hospital bills of injured employees, AND fix the drains... yeah....

This Blog goes nowhere. I can get in trouble for saying these things, event hough i do not provide the actual name of store, the Fast food chain name, or adresses, names, pictures--- it still can come bite me in the ass. So please. No sharing this. Its why it is not posted of FB.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Disturbing incident followed by a devious thought to counter....

I was informed by a co-worker the other day that at a store, (i forgot which) there were protesters out in front.
They were protesting about Believing in Santa is a SIN. A SIN!
Telling kids, grownups, everyone that it is a SIN to believe in Santa!...

Firstly, I'm thinking "WTF"... Then i think about it logically...
Still, I'm thinking "WTF". It is remarkably, and sadly INSANE. they would spent their holiday season destroying dozens of kids' Christmas spirits. Good job guys. You killed Christmas for kids this year.

I look at it like this. As you believe in Santa, you believe in the purest, most unexplainable, beautiful form of magic. And in a sense, a child's innocence. When they stop believing, they aren't so innocent anymore, things are now explained, and magic becomes more and more unlikely to the kids. But also, they see adults as liars. Santa is not meant to be the actual person. he does exist. I know this, because I see Santa all the time. When someone gives something to someone, out of the kindness of their heart- It is not only in the Winter seasons... Its all the time. The Santa spirit, Christmas spirit.

A few months ago- October i think, i saw a man's Van break down at a red light, and tried to push it into a gas station parking lot as i was filling up at that very station. A guy pulls into the station, parks, and runs through traffic to help that man with his Van. seconds later, two other men from the bus stop run to help him as well.
Now THAT is a Santa Clause Spirit! Giving something to someone, with no expectations in return.

Now, with that being said, As long as people keep the kind spirit alive, and do things out of the kindness of their hearts, and expect nothing in return, our children will see these things as we do them, and hopefully learn to be the same way. Help your fellow man, do unto others, etc.

I'm not one to preach the Bible, but those are some good guidelines to follow no matter what religion you are. If your an asshole, you get treated like one. No one will call to see if you got home safely that night you had too much to drink and couldn't afford a cab. A good person, their friends will ensure PERSONALLY they get home safely.

back to the protesters-
Part of me wanted to got there and let them tell me this just so i could say something snooty right back to them.
Like how they feel that they just destroyed Christmas for countless children, and stripped them of their innocence?... Basically, hit everyone of them in the chest and broke all those tender little hearts. How many tears do you think you shed from these poor kids this year. Believing in Santa is a SIN?! How about destroying children's Childhood? That's not a sin?

My best defence to the protesters would have been this:
Protesters: "Believing in Santa is a SIN!"
Me: "Oh my God! Really!?"
Protesters: "Yes."
Me: "What about the Easter Bunny?"
Protesters:" Yes!"
Me: "And the Tooth Fairy?!"
Me: "Well I guess that means God isn't real either then huh? WHEW! Thanks for clearing that up for me!"
*Walk Away*

I would laugh my ass off at the expression on their faces of throwing that at them all of the sudden.
My parents told me about all that stuff, SC, EB, TF, G. 3 out of those 4 aren't real? I'm not sure what to think either way, but i know i posted about my thoughts and my beliefs in another blog here. if you look you'll find it.

I'm just totally against destroying a childhood, and take away the innocence of a child. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if i did what they were doing. Its just cruel.

If they didn't in the first place, then its not a big deal, the parents would rather be honest with their kids from the start. I can respect that decision. Its fun to believe in it, i personally think. But that's me.
When i found out about it, I was mad at my parents for a long time. I didn't want to accept it. When i came to accept it, I'm glad they did. I thought to myself this was from a guy, who I've never met before, who has never met me, and knows all about me in a creepy-sort-of way, and brings me stuff on Christmas. A stranger doing this, for another stranger? Taking the time, to get to know you enough, to give something they will appreciate. With no expectations of return.
It gave me hope for the rest of the people in the world. If one stranger can do it for another, why couldn't another do it for another?
I can tell you honestly, I feel as though believing in Santa made me see my world in a way others wish they could see it. A world of acceptance, kindness and generosity. In sense, i kind of see it as a child would, but with the ability to put on my "grown up glasses".

Any one who spends time with me knows me as a big kid, but knows when to take it seriously. I play cars, video games, toys, puzzles, and Lego's with my boys, and we both love it. I make voices and faces at them, and they see me as their best friend. But when I use my "Daddy Voice and Face" they know, I'm serious. I'm your father now. I'm not playing anymore. I work to keep them fed and with home. I hold a job as I should, and I play as i should.

I'm glad i believed until i was 16.
At age 27 i still believe in Santa. He is just a different Santa than tradition suggests.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

I could get in trouble for this...'

I want to start off with something simple as a parent.

We teach our kids to be honest (well the good ones do anyway)
However, as a parent we tell them that Santa, Tooth fairy and Easter bunny magically find their way to our home and do sweet things. Right? (not all, but most)
this is good and bad. Bad because it tells the kids (when they find out whats-what) that it is okay to lie, after all. mom and dad and the rest of my family did it for ___ years... Why cant I lie to get them to do what i want?
Good thing about it though, is it helps to conserve their innocence- By that i don't mean they never do anything wrong. I mean the ability to believe in magic, and anything they don't understand. When we don't know how to explain how Santa knows your in another state this year, you just say "he just knows" or "its Magic".  Magic toy bags, flying reindeer, little fairy with a fetish for exchanging money for teeth, and a big rabbit that hides multi-colored eggs and leaves chocolate for you? Someone imagined it up. When there's no explanation for something, your thinking its either magic, or science. Well, Science is a form of magic.
it is a physical, chemical (bla bla bla) form of magic that has been theorised and tested for all the years of humanity. When our ancestors didn't understand the concept of fire, or anything else, they were not aware of the chemical reaction, only the "magic fire" that made meat taste better.
That is not the only form of magic. not in the least. When you do good for someone when they weren't expecting it- and seeing their total surprise, and appreciation- that is magic.
When your little kid cousin opens up their birthday present from you, and sees EXACTLY what they asked for- Magic.
Magic is everywhere, every moment of every day in one form or another.
And  it is important for everyone to know that. When people say magic isn't real, i keep to myself, and pity them. Because ironically, their religion involves several magical stories within the book. (you know what I'm saying)
Now, as growing up being told their were these magic beings, i believe in magic, and all other supernatural beings, like ghosts, vampires, werewolves, and zombies, etc.
As a kid, Santa was real, but ghosts weren't. Why not?
So i chose to believe in it all anyway. I didn't find out the truth until age 16. And that's because it was assumed that i already knew. Needless to say, i was the only 16 y/o guy with a driver's license and job crying about this.
When i found out about it, i questioned EVERYTHING i was told by every grown up and told myself they were all liars, and i didn't want to be like that. But then i remembered something that was beaten into my head along with the make-believe beings. Religion, God. I questioned the existence, and shit hit the fan with the family. How do i know it isn't another make-believe thing? I don't. Blind faith. I have my beliefs, and I'd rather not state them as of now. You have your views, and you are entitled to them. The stories we read as kids get passed to ours, and our movies, music, etc... How funny is it when you hear a kid singing Vanilla Ice? Or Coolio? Or Quote something from Rocko's Modern Life? Read a Curious George book? Same principle of THE Book. Stories of many things, and magical things, are in it. Then I'm lied to about the existence of magic being real, but paranormal is BS, then later find out its both a crock. Magic in the book, if you say magic is bogus... well you can finish that sentence in your own mind.

I like to believe in something good in everything. So i tell my kids about magical stuff. Santa, Easter Bunny, and Magical elves that move around and do silly things while you sleep. I will not tell them magic is fake. I wont deny the existence of aliens, and monsters, ghosts, and werewolves, zombies, vampires, and all that stuff. Even in the possibility of time travel i feel is possible. Other worlds. I will not deny my children to believe in Magic, and paranormal, and the "impossible". I do not want to box them up, and keep them into reality so harshly, they become afraid to imagine something beyond this world. However, when i am asked a question, i answer as best as i can. I recently explained how light works to my 5 y/o, and he wanted to know more. We experimented with a flashlight, and he had a blast... Then he wanted to know how THAT worked, and the batteries, the light bulbs, electricity-- it kept going. I did the best i could, which was seemingly well from my own interest in the such. So he has an idea of what is going on when he flips on the light switch, or uses a flashlight.
My boys feet will be grounded, but never be afraid to look and play in the clouds, or the stars from time to time. The better the imagination, the better the success.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

In a big hurry

I seem to recall posting about this once before, but I am unsure. But any way...

Yesterday, after work i stopped at a red light... The A-hole behind me honked at me as if it were green and i was picking my nose or something. Cars were coming... If you are in such a big f'n hurry to try to sway someone into driving into oncoming traffic... Go around the person WITH common sense, and feel free to drive your own car into the traffic, and get YOURSELF killed. Ya see, I like my life. I don't have any suicidal thoughts, in fact, I'd like to get home to my family asap... but I'm not going to push someone into death when it would take a minute of waiting... Then, the SAME dipstick, (when green light comes and we make the turn to get on highway- There are 2 lanes that merge into one feeder road) He tries to speed up and pass me. I Gas it and we were almost nose to nose on it.... lanes are merging... Assuming they recognized the TX plates, and the insanity in my eye, along with my "Go fuck yourself" look... They backed off. Either that or they decided they didn't want to be sandwiched with me in between 2 slabs of concrete. I partly hoped they were stupid enough to go through with it... I knew just what to tell the police. and if Captain Dip shit tried anything else stupid, i had 2 box cutters. Enough said there. His ass would have been Sued so fast and so hard, i don't even know how to finish that sentence.

Today, similar situation, with the merge, just in the inner city area. I was in the straight-way lane, and one car needed over as the lanes merged. I didn't see them signal, but they were going fast enough to make it obvious they needed over, so, like the kind person I tend to be 90% of the time, i let him. Okay all god now. Nope. Another car speeds 2/3 times faster than the car before him, and cuts me off almost shoving me into the next lane into another car. WtF?! What is so fuckin' important that you felt putting lives at stake was necessary? Is your house moving, and your trying to get there before it teleports to a random location? The store? (its closed btw dude) Are you having a baby? (Shouldn't be driving while in  labor anyway, if that WAS the case.) What ever it was you could have waited 10 seconds. Its not like it mattered anyway. I pulled right next to that jerk off at the following red light anyway. Lot of good that did... -_-

And i realized, that the highway speed limit is 55.
I go 65 or 70. Everyone else passes me up, because 70 isn't fast enough for them. Even the cops pass me at 70mph. I don't know what I'm passing up anymore because I trained myself to watch the idiots on the road, because they are the ones who will end up causing the wrecks. They speed past speeders, and that scares me. No one signals either, and that almost got me more than once, because people wont take a few seconds to check the blind spot, and use the signal. In the instance I'm referring to, a truck with a trailer didn't look or signal, and changed lanes... If i hadn't braked, judging by the height of the trailer, speed, and the location of possible hit... The jeep (top heavy) would have rolled, and caused a 4-5 car pile up. My kids would be fatherless, and my wife, widowed. My parent's only son, dead... Just because some asshole was too lazy to look at the blind spot and signal. 10 seconds of your busy-ass life can make a difference.

Another thing i see is Jay-walking. Use the cross-walks people. They are there for a reason... Can you guess what it is? To WALK aCROSS the street. Safely. You don't have to run, don't have to watch out for as much traffic. (you have a better chance of survival getting hit at 10-15mph than you do at 35-45mph) The streets are for the cars, and the sidewalks are for pedestrians to... WAAAALK. That is your walking street. You running across the street to save time is like me driving through your house to save time. Imaging an 18 wheeler plowing through the bathroom wall while your taking a shower. Now everyone on the street can see your bare ass, and your dresser just became a hood ornament, and turning your embarrassing underwear into mud flaps. When no cars are coming, sure whatever. By no cars, i mean a street with little to no traffic. Like at 2am, no cars.

I suppose the point i want to make is to appreciate what you have around you, take your time. You have one life to live, you should make it worth living. We complain that the beauty of the world is gone, consumed by the fast life of the city. That is not at all true. It is everywhere. The grass in your yard, the trees that grow from that. The good people you know. The smell of fresh cut grass and rainfall on the roof. The clouds in the sky, and wonders beyond them. Your family. Kids, spouse, parents. Time. Look at the beauty that you have, and you can create your own beauty, and fill your home with it. Photos of a lake, sketches of a mountain range, paintings of fruit. Sculptures of people who never existed.
I find myself in such a hurry to eat, i swallow my food almost whole, like a duck. I taste it, barely. I have to remind myself to slow down. Chew slowly, and let my taste buds enjoy the flavors of the meal. Smell it. feel it. Enjoy it.
Something I have said before,
"Feel your inspiration, understand your medium, love your creation." - Micah Hollier

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Time Travel?

I have been thinking of time travel ever sence i saw back to the future... I have found flaws in the time travel possibilities, and the times changing, bla bla bla. Now, im not saying it was a bad trio of films, because they were awesome. I loved all 3 of them, not so much # 3, but thats not the topic now. What i understood was this though:
The smallest things can change the present and future when altered in the past. True, but according to BTTF, its only okay to alter your past when you dont like your present. Like when Marty teaches George to stand up for himself and KO Biff. The passion between Loranne and George never existed, it was ORIGINALY out of pity. George was supposed to be hit by Loranne's father in the car, but when Marty did, obviously, it needed to be fixed... So Marty did what he thought was right and, yeah, the above, George and Loranne fall in love, and George isn't a spineless pushover anymore, and Biff is George's little bitch. Awesome.

But it was an alternate reality. Alternate timeline. But Marty and Doc stay...
Lets not forget the almanac portion...
Marty buys an almanac for the sporting events in the future, for his time, so he can win some money. Ok, cool. For you, bro. Doc throws it out, Old biff finds it, and gives it to himself in 1985. Doc and Marty go to "the present" only to find it is GH-ET-TO! Oh, snap! we dont like this, George is dead, Biff and Loranne are married, Biff is filthy rich, and Doc is condemed to a psyche ward. (or something) Well, we can't have that now can we? We dont like that Biff has a good life and ours sucks... Let's make him miserable again.

So they go to the time Biff gives young Biff the almanac, and Old Biff thinks he sucseeded, and brings the DeLorean back to the future where he got it. (How the old coot figured out HOW to operate the time circuts to get there and back, along with the hover adaptations are beyond me)
Marty gets the almanack back and destroys it. - Wait... If Marty destroyed the almanac, the alternate reality never was supposed to exist anyway, because history already had them succeed.
Not realy a thing but its a nice thing i noticed. In #2, Biff watches a Clint Eastwood movie in the hot tub. "Bullet Proof Vest" thing... Marty re-inacts it in #3, which (my theory) was supposed to imply that Marty WAS Clint Eastwood (int he cowboy movie anyway) and founded the Legend, and the bulletproof vest, when Marty was the one who saw it in a movie (in his time) and never knew He was watching himself being re-enacted from the past.
ok, ok. With THAT being said...

Lets go back to the part where the almanac created a "Biff controled" timeline that skewed off the original time line. Remember that?
Ok, well that how time travel would be EVERY TIME. Once you go to the past, you changed history already, and your initial timeline may not be able to be re-entered.
I use this example:
In timeline 1 (TL1) I go back to Jurrasic times and step on a lizard. Oops!, creating TL2. I go to the present, of TL2, and for some reason frogs are extinct. Well i like frogslegs, so i go back to the same time of TL2 when I stepped on that lizard. I tell myself to watch out, and TL1 Me doesnt step on the lizard anymore. Possibly, that would bring TL1 me back to TL1... And TL2 me would have not existed TO tell TL1 Me to look out. Paradox. Space-time continum does its destruction phase. It is possible though that the fabric of time wouldnt do much of anything at all. If i learned anything from all the time travel crap i have seen, and the double negatives and theories of logic, and all that tells me that if somone was traveling through time, it was supposed to happen. All events were supposed to happen. One way or another.

If Lincoln wasnt assasinated, he may have fallen from the balcony. Or runover by a carrage. Many things could have happened to have his life end for a big reason. His life was highly impactful on history. If he had passed from natural causes, it could have been less impactful on history.

So, in sense, traveling through time and meeting your other selves in other timelines may not cause the universe to unravel. For the reason of "all things have a purpose", (unless your purpose as a time traveler happens to be to destroy the universe) or a parralell universe.
This is what Im thinking "time travel" really is. Every time Time is altered, (every travel) a new Paralell universe is created, with the change as the pivot point. Every small thing changes history. Bring back the lizard incident. I missed the lizard. My foot print is still there. i breathed the air, and now, archieoligists are wondering how a dinosaur managed to get a hold of, and fit in a 10 1/2 sized off-brand Vans Skateboard shoe.

The universe isnt just the one universe, it is a cluster of an infinant amount of parallell universes out there. Even parralells of parralells, parralells of those, and THOSE. All of which have small differances, and/or major differences. By meeting yourself within a parralell universe, couldnt cause a paradox, because you are two totaly different versions of yourself within that universe. From this perspective, i can assume that the timeline could look a lot like a spider from above. the body being "reality's timeline" and the legs being the parallels. and hair on the legs being the parralells X2. Or, if you want to look at it like a circut board, you could. the lines of circuts and everything else can easily represent this timeline and alternate demensions. And, of course, all thos little mini-transformers, and things built onto the circitry could be doorways, windows, bridges, all to get from circut A to Circut B, and Back to A.
This could happen, but finding the perfect map, would be impossible within a single life time, or possibly a hundred lifetimes.
This could be the key to creating the time travel device....
The circut board that contains the map of every timeline, every dimension, (alternate, and parallell) along with every gap, bridge, door, window, allyway and shortcut possible all throughout the Full history of ALL universes. Needless to say, it would take a while to figure that out. The flux capassitor concept is seemingly MUCH simpler, but nut likely.
Only Two people I know of have succeded in doing so in their lifetimes... And both are fictional characters. Paradox (Ben 10 Alien Force) Has the entire map of time, universes and demensions in his head, is immortal in sense, and can accuratly "stroll" through time and space.
The second (i just started watching really) is Doctor Who. He is an alien life form, the last of his species, called "Time Lords" he has been inacurate time to time, and needs his Tardis in order to travel. But he sees all that ever was, is, and will be in his head, always. (or how i under stand it anyway)

If you think about it in the sense of alternate and parallell universes, would we have to call the space of which they are al in the Ultraverse? Omniverse? Megaverse? Superverse?

One final thought about the "Ultraverse"...
You know how sometimes we get lost in our "own little world"? well what if we were to dream up of these worlds, and they were actualy being created AS WE DREAMED them? Or, what if we are seing something thats happening in an alternate universe? Or another planet? Every thing we imagine has to come from somewhere... The aliens in tv shows and movies.... Those creatures could have been created from somones alternate world that they found telepathicly. Maybe we do use the other 90% of our prain, and we just chalk it up to a simple imagination?

A few things to think about... Right?