Kixeye. I hate them. It is a "Game development" company...? Nooo, Glitcheye is more suitible. All they want is the money. Im down for making some money, but cranking out new crap all the time to upgrade, and crap to use, break and wait to fix, resourses, xp, etc... and like all FB games, it encourages to spend $$$ on a game. No thanks. Im not giving money to a sorry excuse for a company. I can provide better customer service with my ass. Anyone can type "sorry your having problems with our game. It must be your computer, and when you pay us, we will make it suck a little less". (not word for word, but thats what i get from them.)
Well thats part of the convo, and the responses... I told them i sent videos and photos of glitches, and on involving my loosing platoons after retreating, due to mines.. which my units MAGICALY rolled over... Nada.
I see online ALL THE TIME people saying they just got 100 coins, or 10,000 xp for an event for complaining. Well, i brough this up to them and they deny it all.
I am being discriminated against. I am tired of getting screwed over, just because im the non-controversal type. I dont like to stirr up trouble, i dont like to make a fuss. Im a very nice, kind, and polite person... if you let me. When you piss me off, its done. I might get over it, but i do not respect you. I wont show that respect to you again. And I will be sure you know it. This company, Kixeye... I hope they fail. I hope they will get shut down and have the pants sued off of them. You have made an enemy today Kixeye.
Aside from this, still relating to business...
As a fast food employee, i do not make much.
Let me just cut do it... I make almost enough to survive. ill say 1000 to have a nice round #. Rent alone is 750+. Gas, 100, diapers, wipes, car isurance, internet, bla bla bla, is almost exactly that amount. if not a few dollars for, toilet paper and detergents and all that. (welcome to adulthood- thanks. Again.) i can make 150 orders in a shift, 300 orders, or even 1000 a shift, and i still only get ... 1000 a mo. I pray for a slow day every day, because i feel under appreciated. Im expected to get all orders out under 2 min. prep, cook, bag out- 2 min. If they were one at a time and small orders? Sure no problem. But when i have to do tedius things like adding an un-needed sleeve to a burger, during a 5-6 order pile-up of multiple combo deals PER order with me the only one itn the kitchen... dont chew my ass out about "curb time". F*** your curb time. The customer dosnt give a crap as long as they arent waiting for 10-20 minutes for a Mozzarella stick.
I dont see any thing extra for making your times look good. If i made compensation, I'd pray to be busy. But no. I dont care. I havent for a long time.
I'm glad I hear a "Thank You" every once in a while, but i cant spend "Thank You"s. I cant get gas with it, or diapers. I have actualy taken toilet paper from my job. I was broke. I was almost out, with a family to provide for. I barely had the gas to GET TO work and back... I'd get a free meal, so id eat that crap, and save the food at home for the family.
Heres something else...
Fast food is one of the causes of heart attacks, diabeties- you heard that s**t a million and a half times. Short story, too much can kill you over time if you are not carefull. Why should I be encouraged to clog hundreds of arteries a day? Why should i serve heart attacks on a bun to those customers?
Its fast, cheap, and delicious. (im not denying that at all, i love fast food) But we are encouraged by media to look all slim, buff, and fit- that it is sexy. Well, yes. Yes it is. But skin and bones are not. BLECH!!
To look like that, we have to eat better, and engage in physical activities. Most comonly reccomended is a gym membershp. When you look at the organic foods, and healthier stuff compared to the "unhealthy" stuff, the bad stuff is cheaper. So, this is in my head: "Hmm, organic carrot sticks for $6, or HoHo's for $2." my pocket tells me to get the HoHo's. If you want somone to do something, it only makes sense to make it obtainable, right? Well, maybe we should do that. Commercials for stuff do just that. Make a service available, right where you are listening. TV, radio... You heard or saw that "free credit report" commercial, so now it is available, you know you can afford free. If they didnt say anything aboout the product, it isnt going to go anywhere.
If i saw more $ from when i bust my ass, and get a few spendable thank you's, i may be okay with working there still.
I see hazards there that seem to be neglected... I cannot do my job without the propper equipment. 5 monitors, one broke, two scrambled, one going out, and one... working good. Drain covers rusted through, machines being held up with spare POP parts over the drain. (my own doing- no thanks for it) And drain covers not covering drain holes in all areas, i almost fell in one a while back while holding scolding hot water for gravy. I complained many times about it, and i heard that somone mentioned not wanting to spent 1000 on the floor.
So you would rather spend several thousand for new equipment, lawsuits and hospital bills of injured employees, AND fix the drains... yeah....
This Blog goes nowhere. I can get in trouble for saying these things, event hough i do not provide the actual name of store, the Fast food chain name, or adresses, names, pictures--- it still can come bite me in the ass. So please. No sharing this. Its why it is not posted of FB.