Thursday, December 12, 2013

In a big hurry

I seem to recall posting about this once before, but I am unsure. But any way...

Yesterday, after work i stopped at a red light... The A-hole behind me honked at me as if it were green and i was picking my nose or something. Cars were coming... If you are in such a big f'n hurry to try to sway someone into driving into oncoming traffic... Go around the person WITH common sense, and feel free to drive your own car into the traffic, and get YOURSELF killed. Ya see, I like my life. I don't have any suicidal thoughts, in fact, I'd like to get home to my family asap... but I'm not going to push someone into death when it would take a minute of waiting... Then, the SAME dipstick, (when green light comes and we make the turn to get on highway- There are 2 lanes that merge into one feeder road) He tries to speed up and pass me. I Gas it and we were almost nose to nose on it.... lanes are merging... Assuming they recognized the TX plates, and the insanity in my eye, along with my "Go fuck yourself" look... They backed off. Either that or they decided they didn't want to be sandwiched with me in between 2 slabs of concrete. I partly hoped they were stupid enough to go through with it... I knew just what to tell the police. and if Captain Dip shit tried anything else stupid, i had 2 box cutters. Enough said there. His ass would have been Sued so fast and so hard, i don't even know how to finish that sentence.

Today, similar situation, with the merge, just in the inner city area. I was in the straight-way lane, and one car needed over as the lanes merged. I didn't see them signal, but they were going fast enough to make it obvious they needed over, so, like the kind person I tend to be 90% of the time, i let him. Okay all god now. Nope. Another car speeds 2/3 times faster than the car before him, and cuts me off almost shoving me into the next lane into another car. WtF?! What is so fuckin' important that you felt putting lives at stake was necessary? Is your house moving, and your trying to get there before it teleports to a random location? The store? (its closed btw dude) Are you having a baby? (Shouldn't be driving while in  labor anyway, if that WAS the case.) What ever it was you could have waited 10 seconds. Its not like it mattered anyway. I pulled right next to that jerk off at the following red light anyway. Lot of good that did... -_-

And i realized, that the highway speed limit is 55.
I go 65 or 70. Everyone else passes me up, because 70 isn't fast enough for them. Even the cops pass me at 70mph. I don't know what I'm passing up anymore because I trained myself to watch the idiots on the road, because they are the ones who will end up causing the wrecks. They speed past speeders, and that scares me. No one signals either, and that almost got me more than once, because people wont take a few seconds to check the blind spot, and use the signal. In the instance I'm referring to, a truck with a trailer didn't look or signal, and changed lanes... If i hadn't braked, judging by the height of the trailer, speed, and the location of possible hit... The jeep (top heavy) would have rolled, and caused a 4-5 car pile up. My kids would be fatherless, and my wife, widowed. My parent's only son, dead... Just because some asshole was too lazy to look at the blind spot and signal. 10 seconds of your busy-ass life can make a difference.

Another thing i see is Jay-walking. Use the cross-walks people. They are there for a reason... Can you guess what it is? To WALK aCROSS the street. Safely. You don't have to run, don't have to watch out for as much traffic. (you have a better chance of survival getting hit at 10-15mph than you do at 35-45mph) The streets are for the cars, and the sidewalks are for pedestrians to... WAAAALK. That is your walking street. You running across the street to save time is like me driving through your house to save time. Imaging an 18 wheeler plowing through the bathroom wall while your taking a shower. Now everyone on the street can see your bare ass, and your dresser just became a hood ornament, and turning your embarrassing underwear into mud flaps. When no cars are coming, sure whatever. By no cars, i mean a street with little to no traffic. Like at 2am, no cars.

I suppose the point i want to make is to appreciate what you have around you, take your time. You have one life to live, you should make it worth living. We complain that the beauty of the world is gone, consumed by the fast life of the city. That is not at all true. It is everywhere. The grass in your yard, the trees that grow from that. The good people you know. The smell of fresh cut grass and rainfall on the roof. The clouds in the sky, and wonders beyond them. Your family. Kids, spouse, parents. Time. Look at the beauty that you have, and you can create your own beauty, and fill your home with it. Photos of a lake, sketches of a mountain range, paintings of fruit. Sculptures of people who never existed.
I find myself in such a hurry to eat, i swallow my food almost whole, like a duck. I taste it, barely. I have to remind myself to slow down. Chew slowly, and let my taste buds enjoy the flavors of the meal. Smell it. feel it. Enjoy it.
Something I have said before,
"Feel your inspiration, understand your medium, love your creation." - Micah Hollier

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