Tuesday, March 25, 2014


As from my last post of being walked on and whatnot, I feel as though I have been comming closer and closer and closer to some kind of meltdown.
I keep getting hit with BS and its driving me nuts.

Scary as this to me, you may not find it to be so bad.
As of the moment, I'm voulintarily listening to dubstep... And am okay with it....
For the record, I normally do not like it. It sounds like toilet sounds in my ears.
But right now. I feel it- somehow untwisting my stomache from the knots it was in. My brian still grinds a bit though...

I hate being shit on. But right now the music sounds like i feel

Like shit.

Quick recap on why im feeling like this:
The car has been in the shop almost every day sense thursdy, new problem every time it seems. Today, it seems as though we are going to have to "Biff" our car. (Special way to start it) First time, i removed the key from the ignition and tried again, and it worked. It worked the second time it stalled too. Thats when i realized the AC had to be off for the car to start. Well, we took it back to the shop, and they "fixed" it before i went to class. Made it to class no prob. Went to come home and nada. No start.
So, i was in the stalled car, almost dead phone battery, auto shop closed, no laptop, and sandstorm about to pick up in an uncovered spot. AWESOME.
Well i did get it going... now the AC needs to be ON for it to start.... -_- What the fuckin' fuck?

So gotta bring it to the shop in the morning, and i will not pay for ANOTHER half-ass job.

AAAnnnnd to make things even more sarcasticly awesome... Link got ahold of my dry erase markers AGAIN, and scribbled all over the table cloth, wall, my mouse, notebooks AND my laptop while destroying the marker... Again.

I bungee the chairs to the table, keeping him from getting to it, and the electrical outlets over here. NOTHING is working. He figures it all out. I think he may be genius, most likely an evil one. He is after me- he wants to drive me to the crazy house, and I'm practicly at the front door begging to be committed.
Im losing my damn mind. I may become a monster I dont want to become. If this shit keeps going, I'm going to lose it... This little boy needs to back up off my shit. Forever.
Foresight says He will be enrolled in military school for kindergarden. That'll Learn him...

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