Sunday, August 24, 2014

Mo' Customer service Issues?!

Written on 8/22/2014

I do not understand what the fuck is so hard about getting internet. I called and ordered the service on the 20th, the told me a tech would be out on the 21st between 8a and 12p. No one showed, no one called. I called them and asked what was up, and they gave me a round about answer of “I don’t know” I talked to 3 different people that day, and repeat the same thing every time, like they were to say “this guy is pissed off. You take him.” Playing musical phones or some shit. I finaly got to talk to someone whos first language sounded of Arabian dialect, and English may have been new to. He told me he would put a not on my account to hook me up ASAP. And ask me “does that help?” Uh, no. not really. The only way it helps is if I get a tech out here to install the service I ALREADY PAID FOR. I was sent to the tech guys’ line, and a woman picked up saying “Angie” as if she were paging an Angie to answer the phone she picked up. She hung up on me. I called back, and she did it again… I said hello, and she was acting like “I just answer the phone here dude” kind of attitude. I asked to get some service hooked up and she told me “the guy who makes the schedule isn’t here right now… Okay. So what? Take my info and give it to him when he comes in??? someone has never been a secretary before… I haven’t, and I know the job better than she does. I gave her my name, and number and told her to make sure he calls me back to set up my services. I waited the rest of the day for him to call. Nothing.
On the 22, today, I called tech again, asking about my service installation, they told me their wasn’t an installation scheduled., He couldn’t make any changes to the schedule because of some stupid changes the company made. (my words, not his) so he put me on hold, and was sent to a completely different company, who had nothing to do with the internet company I was trying to get service from. The lady from there forwarded me back to the tech support number, --- you know, it’s a big cluster fuck of numbers I was forwarded to, and called, so heres the run down of this last bit.: I was able to schedule ANOTHER appointment for, guess what? TOMORROW, between 8 and 12 again. They also told me the Tech will call me between now and the installation to confirm the appointment. 7pm, and no call today. That was over 7 hours ago… Wth… I have that gut feeling no one will call or show again.
I called the tech line again to see if the tech told them anything. “If you are not installed yet, press 2” (presses 2) “the office is closed. To check on the status of your (internet) intallation, log on to (internet service) dot com. Have a great day!”
How am I supposed to check on the status of my internet installation online? I need your service installed to check the status of my installation? You’re a fucking idiot. Somone didn’t think that through.

Oh, and even more recent event- how can walmart sell a stroller with its two fron wheels missing?! Seriously?! Is a little customer service and common decency so much to ask?
People today are so inconsiderate and indecent. What the hell happened to this world? Why do the stupid, indecent, and inconsiderate people  have to have all the money,  and control, but the good, hard working, decent people with common sense, are broke as shit and have no control over anything? Wouldn’t want smart people running things would we? That would be to damn easy. Equal oppertunities MY ASS. If you have money, you have opertunities. If your broke, your chances of getting them are much smaller. Some people were just born into money, and never have to know what work IS. You have to be aggressive to get anything done, which means I have to be an asshole to get what I already worked for. I never get any breaks. I worked hard from age 16, and still busting my ass at 28 at the same suck job I started at. I cannot go with out a job, I am not financially stable enough to just “take time off” like those dipshits in charge who take a vacation every month, and have 2 or more homes. I have gotten nowhere, and it looks as if my future holds the same place: Nowhere. Because of these morons in charge, making everything so difficult to do the simplist of things, My only meaning in life to them is fuel the economy, which wouldn’t exist without their filthy money. They want us to work till we die, and they make money weather they actually work or not. We work, they get paid. Where is the fairness in that? Raise minimum wage, then raise prices of everything else? Now were back to square one…. Nothing is fair. Nothing is equal oppertunities. You have to be corrupt, in one form or another to even get a glimpse of the life of the 1%. Think about this when they say they aren’t bad guys… What have they done to help those people who pay them? When was the last time they voulenteered at a shelter, or donated to a food drive or goodwill? Last time they dropped a $50 in a homeless man’s change cup? When did they actually DO something honest, and good? Maybe we cant say they are all bad people, but I can say they aren’t all good.
Want to help the economy? Give the poor, hardworking class a good portion of your salary. You didn’t earn it. We worked for it, and you take it from us.

In a sense, I look at it like this. If I can force someone to sign a document stating that I can withdraw 17% of their salary every month, it is legal. But taking it out right by force, is not legal. Why? The document. Paper makes it legal for someone else to take what isn’t theirs. They do it to a few hundred million people, of every check, of every dollar WORKED for in the country. And they call themselves equals?

I want to do that, with a document that states that I can withdraw a percentage of money from anyone’s paycheck I choose. I’d do 20% from the 1% population, and see how THEY like it. See how it feels for someone to take money out of your check before you even get it. I’ll be just like them, and never have to actually work again.

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