Thursday, May 15, 2014

Without the net

Without the net (5/7/14)

Kinda felt a little lost at first, but as I continue to get everything unpacked, im finding myself to feel more at home. And as I expected, im being expected to pull a job out of my butt. A job in my field is difficult to find in this area, or even close around it. Without the net, im a sitting duck… The mrs is trying, and were crossing our fingers for her. I have a plan. It isn’t fail safe or anything, bu it is a start. I can sell photography online, and get a cut of prophits, online script doctoring, online special effects and even sell some of my 3d models I do. I would have to set up a paypal account, and it wouldn’t be a steady income, but it’s a start.

Something  encouraging has been malachi. I read him my script from roadrunner 2, and he wanted me to read him episode 3 for his bedtime story tonight. I did. He wants to hear what I have of the feature, which is only 10 pages so far, but he wants to heaar it anyway. Its inspiring to me that this character is well written enough to where my kid wants to know what happens next, and asks questions about the characters. Think I may have something here. Kind of like the harry potter thing. Maybe it will be a big thing. The fresh piece of cinema that the public has been waiting for….

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