Sunday, February 2, 2014

More Controversy-

Here's what I find strange. I don't like how it works, but i kind of get why.
Look at the post's names and how many views it got...

I notice the post on heroes, acting, beliefs, and other (more constructive things) get less views than "i could get in trouble for this" or "this could piss someone off."

Juicy gossip, and the misfortune of others- someone else's trouble is our entertainment.

I like to see positive stories just as much as I would like to see it. Seeing posts of a customer leaving a big tip for a troubled waitress, i find to be great.
But look at it like this:
You saw the title "This could piss someone off". You read it. You got pissed. You go off on me. Didn't the title kind of prepare you for that? You seem to be looking for trouble, and looking for a reason to get mad.
I have seen that a lot too, not anyone in particular, but sometimes you stay at home and do nothing but the same TV shows, same movies, same channels, web sites, games, food- life gets boring as hell. So, you look for something to complain about to spice up your day. Like that McDonald's coffee BS? What the fuck ever bitch. You knew you ordered hot coffee.... you put it between your thighs- (anyone of sound mind would use a CUP holder to hold a CUP) when she did that, her thighs applied force to either side of the paper coffee cup, popping the lid off. I know this because it happened to me before (with ice cold soda though) Even when i made my own drink, and lid on securely,with the right pressure on the cup will cause the top to pop off.

I don't know how she won that stupid case over a warning on the cup... She knew it was hot. Jeez.
People go looking for a pot of shit to stir. and those people who base their lives off of stirring up shit with other people for no REAL reason are just ridicules.

About these posts again, I don't mind any readers stating their opinion, weather they agree or disagree. Either is fine, i don't expect everyone to think the same way as i do. Id rather you think on your own.

The last post- got some comments. And some fair arguments I may Add.
With the prisoners going to war, it would be more of a voluntary community service thing. Reduction of sentence if they fight on the front line for their country. It wouldn't be mandatory, (I thought i stated that in the last one, but i must have just thought it and not typed it, so my fault. :P) Also, they do need to know what they would be fighting for- An inmate volunteering to serve his country as military would be fighting for what every other volunteer has fought for for this country- their freedom.

That was more of a thought, really. It was a topic with a co-worker and was requested I blog about it. So, in sense, to my 5 followers and approximate 10-30 regular readers... If you want me to share my point of view of a topic, feel free to ask me on FB. I don't mind talking about most things. Don't be shy.

Thank you for reading my blog, I'm surprised as well as happy to have some regular readers on my blog.

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