Id like to give a shout to my cousin, Aslan-
*waves franticly* HI ASLAAAAN!! Read your blog comments!!
Ok, now back to the post!
Within the next few weeks, "The little group with no name" with the help of a few others, will hopefully be shooting a short that i wrote a while back. The biggest reason i am so excited about this shoot is because it is the first script that i wrote that is being shot. A lot of my other ideas were to costly, or just plain dumb, or a spin off something else with my own stupid twist on it.
This one is a continuation of a short that Ruben wrote, "Roadrunner". It went well, with a few minor hiccups, but nothing drastic. It inspired me, but caused several sleepless nights of running, hunting, gunfire, horses, ACME, and rockets, (even though most of those are not in it) it was almost like i was dreaming the first episode, and more episodes to come. It inspired me to write a sequel to the first. Ruben was impressed with my work, but wanted to break from it for a bit. That stopped the dreams. Then not that long ago it was brought up, and was put into pre production. The only thing holding it back was location, but now we have one to scout, and then, the shooting day will be set if the location serves our needs of the script.
I only wish Aslan were here to. He would hve oppertunities to work with us and several other film makers here. I was invited to one production company a while back, that i am a part of now, and introduced myself to a future production company owner. This seems so promising, im a social outcast- exept with my "kind" so to speak. I love the love of making movies. Not the fact im making 50 at once. I love the ideas i get, and write down, and using by basic acting skills. (i know im not great, but i feel im okay, i could work on it and get better- in time)
Aslan is the only other person in my family who thinks similar to me, and has the same passion as i do. We made "scary" movies when we were younger with my vhs-c cam corder, and showed them to our parents and friends. He is so far away, and id like to work with him on everything, and make practice shorts and even real shorts, and eventually full length features.
I miss u cuz, i look forward to working with you in the future!
YEAH!!! I'm proud of you cuz! Keep on this track. It will all work out, and we will work together in the future. A lot. We will be the next Joel and Ethan Coen, or people similar.I've been talking to my director about our "scary" movies too. Hahaha, yeah, we are going to get some good stuff done. We could always come up with an interesting concept where I can shoot stuff here, and you shoot stuff there, and combine the two in one feature. We just have to get story, characters, and the camera useage similar, and we should be good to go. It won't be too long until everything comes together. Kepp it up bro! Life is always happier if your happy with your life.