People all have lives, and i get that. All im asking is a little cooperation. When you say you will help, i expect it. It looks as though no one cares enough to say or do anything to help.
So, im flying solo. I cannot motivate them apparently, and it looks as though my film-career is a bust. I have like 17 ppl in the SETXPFM group and 2 or 3 respond to anything. Even when i tag them. Im looking for talent, and no one wants to help. I have to do all of this PRE pro, which i don't mind, but when i ask for help, and they say they will, i'm expecting help damnit.
I cant seem to get anything going here for me, and it blows. It has become an expensive hobby. I still do Sonic. I open now. 5 am to 11am. my 2 days off, the mrs works. Imagine the schedule conflicts i already have on that, much less adding another person's to the equation.
Next, it's like Im expected to do it for free. What the hell, am i a charity who donates my time for a production with little reward except a pat on the back and a "Thanks"?
I cant spend "Thanks". "Thanks" won't put gas in my car, pay my electricity, and help make up lost time on other projects and my family. If i have a job that pays, and a job that doesn't, which job do you think im gonna take bro? Food is at least a start. Work long and hard hours for no money, at least feed them. Its the LEAST you could do. So, what seems to be expected is everyone is to donate their own gas money, time and efforts to a project we see little benefit from. The only way i can get anyone a little motivated is offer some cash. Im taking gas into consideration as well as time off from work. At this point, it looks like the only one saving up for it is me. My money going to someone elses production. Sorry. Not unless you chip in to homie. And even then, ill be getting producer credits, and since i wrote the script (twice) and intend to cast, shoot, edit, and vfx it... I think its safe to say a lot of my efforts will be going into this and I expect some recognition for it, so if it has to be producer credit because my money was the only money that went into it, then so be it. I tell you what. You want this thing off the ground? Cast it, and collect a budget. How? I dont care. Fund raiser? Sell lemonade, cookies, odd-jobs for neighbors- think like you really want this to happen and you will do what it takes to ensure it does. Ill be putting my money where i see fit.
I want to do this doritos crash the bowl thing, and we have a few ideas, and some people want to do it, others don't. The ones who do get tied between two ideas. I can't do this on my own. The only help i can rely on is my 6-year old son as a DA/Actor, and Wife as a Wrangler/Crafts/DA/Actress/Secondary Camera Op.
I cant crap something awesome without given someone or something to work with. If you want to shoot something, meet me halfway, and be sure you want to do the project. if you have any doubts, lets hash them out and find what will work. Dont back out on me when it comes time. The "I forgot" excuse is old as time itself.
I'm not a miracle worker, you have to pull your share of the load, and if i give you a role to do, like casting, or writing something i can work with, I expect it to get done, and i expect updates. Its getting me all pissy that this keeps happening.
People thinking this is just something fun to do when ever they want. Well, yeah, i suppose it can be seen that way, but when you tell me your all in... It becomes a job. Thats what this needs to be for me. A Career. Not a hobby. A CAREER. I need to be able to pay bills and loans with this income i bring with this. When I don't have a reliable team, it makes it impossible.
So these people who expect me to do this shit for free, or an EXTREMELY discounted price to where its hardly worth the time, and those who wont meet me halfway on anything, or if you think any part of this post was directed to you in anyway, I say this to you:::