"Facts of Life" Comment to Mykosis
on A. T. Hollier's Blog-***
Maybe the different kinds of religion are like different kinds of cereal. So many choices, all have their ups and their downs. Most people are afraid to belive in something different because they were told they will burn in hell forever if they "try another religion". (EXAMPLE)- Im pretty sure Walmart wouldnt care to much if i decided to go to Kroger because I like some products that Walmart dosen't have.
Another example: I like the "Clean Living" life style of the Mormon religion, but I like the meditation and "One with the spirits" stuff with Buddasm. Much like how like Cheeri-Os for the low colesterol, but i like Lucky Charms for the marshmellows. We all have a choice of what religion we go by. Maybe in a way, we are all supposed to form our own beliefs from what we see and hear from other religions. Take the examples from religions we like, and live your own religion the way you feel is right. If i want to worship my god in my way, then i shouldnt have to classify myself as anything but a follower of my own vision of God.
Im in no way implying that their should be a "Church of Micah" or a "Micah-ism" faith, or that anyone shpuld build their own church and start a full-blown faith. I have though to my self, if I am good to myself, and my fellow man and be the best person that I can be, and good things will come to me in this life and the next.
Heaven and Hell.
I think both places exist on an alternate plain. I kind of make the assumtion that heaven may be like an awesome waiting room. Waiting to be called to be reborn to a better easier life? That I just realized I am unsure of. However, hell i assume is also a waiting room, but a tourtureous place for your soul, waiting to be but into the body of another being for another chance to get things right. How many times would a cockroach have been re-encarnated to get it right?
I love the idea of churches getting donations and donating them to charities. I also agree that things like FEMA shouldnt exist because so many people are afraid of burning forever, they dump their walets into collections. Why not give it to those in need? Im sure the ministers boat payment can wait till later.
I like the idea of asking mother earth for forgiveness. She keeps us alive. I would like to believe that the earth was a form of God, but as you know, Catholasizm has been beaten into my head scence i was a kid. I was always told, God is God, be good or burn in hell for eternity. So, naturly, I am actualy afraid to belive in anything else but catholic faith. I do not want to fear every thing I do, or say as something that can potentionaly send me to hell. Religion is such a difficult thing, again like cereal, I grew up eating Cherios, but im afraid the "Cereal God" will smack me if i pick up Apple Jacks instead. Their are so many options.
Something that may be funny...
Cereals, chips, candy, and many other things have a variety pack where you can try several things by buying one bag or box. Try a religion sampler pack. A bit of mormon, jewish, baptist, athiest, ect. or even similar to a job fair. Apply for the potental career for the rest of your life, then go to a religion fair, and apply for some you may like in the afterlife.
What sucks about it is that you never will know if your religion was the right one untill your dead. When its to late to change. Its wasn't my choice to be raised in a particular religion, but now im afraid its wrong, and afraid to try something else. Brick wall.
Im becoming repetitive.